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We are asking that each donor sign up to give a $5 amount by monthly withdrawal, to be donated on the 5th of every month. If we gather 1000 people willing to give that, it will fully fund our yearly budget needs! If you feel led to give a special one time gift, that is great too, but the monthly withdrawal will be the bread and butter that provides for this children's home long term. People are welcome and encouraged to give a greater monthly amount, if they feel called to.

Please click the link below to be taken to the donation sign up page. This page is managed by our partners Missouri Mustardseeds and they use a system called Church Center to process and record these transactions. 

Donations... It is scary sending money overseas. Who gets it? How much? How is it spent? Our mentoring partner Missouri Mustardseeds has set up a 501c3 and bank account to transfer funds securely from the US to us in Uganda. Their ministry and account is in Warsaw, MO at Hawthorn Bank so that your money and credit information in only travelling in FDIC operated banks with plenty of security.


100% of all donations are funneled to this account, and then 100% is budgeted and sent straight to Pastor Wandati on a monthly basis. For a break down of monthly needs or to see our yearly budget goal please look below. 

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When people donate, they make a one-time gift or a monthly on-going gift. One-time gifts and monthly gifts are allocated to all the budget needs unless specified by the donor to go to the building fund. 

Our monthly donations don’t cover basic needs of the ministry yet. We are thankful for the this provision though, since we know God will always provide. We are expectant for how He continues to grow and bless us. 

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​​Call us:


+256 789 129292




​Find us: 

Wekele,Buwasu,Buwabwala,Namisindwa ,Ugandan-East Africa.

Buwabwala, Uganda P.O BOX 1950

US Mailing

23929 US HWY 65 Warsaw MO 65355

© 2023 by Essential Graphics Studios

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